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PSP Steel-Plastic Pipe

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PSP Steel-Plastic Pipe

Release date:2017-01-23 Author: Click:

PSP steel plastic pipe

The use of PSP steel-plastic pipes in developed countries has been relatively mature, such as the United States, Japan and other countries, 80% to 90% of the pipes using PSP steel-plastic pipes. In recent years, the development of PSP steel-plastic pipe industry in China is also very fast. At present, there are more than 100 enterprises producing PSP steel-plastic pipe products, and the export volume is increasing year by year. The market share of PSP steel-plastic pipe in domestic market is constantly increasing.

brief introduction

PSP steel plastic pipe

PSP Steel-Plastic Pipe (20 pieces)

Steel-plastic composite pipe (steel-plastic composite pipe), also known as steel-plastic pipe and composite pipe, is a new type of pipe. With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, VOC control in the world is becoming more and more stringent, and the voice of environmental protection is also increasing. PSP steel-plastic pipe has come to the fore. Steel-plastic pipe is a kind of anticorrosive pipe. It not only keeps the strength of steel pipe, but also gives full play to the characteristics of various plastics, so it can be perfectly combined with steel-plastic pipe. It has a broad market in building materials industry.

Composition structure

Composite pipes can be divided into two categories according to their forming methods: plastic-lined composite pipes, plastic-coated composite pipes and fused-wound composite pipes.

Plastic-lined composite pipes: There are two kinds of plastic-lined processes: cold drawing and melt bonding. Plastic pipes with a certain thickness are placed on the inner wall of steel pipes.

Plastic-coated composite pipes: The coating process can be divided into spraying, rolling, dipping, suction and spraying. Plastic powders with different properties are uniformly coated on the inner and outer walls of steel pipes, forming an anti-corrosion protective layer on the inner and outer walls of steel pipes.

Plastic-coated composite pipe

Plastic-coated composite pipe

Plastic-lined Composite Pipe

Plastic-lined Composite Pipe

In addition, the outer wall of the plastic-coated composite steel pipe is a three-layer polyethylene anticorrosive coating with fusion winding structure, and the inner wall is a hot-melt epoxy powder coating.

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