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Promoting the Development of High Quality Manufacturing Industry with Chinas Sufficient Toughness to Meet the Challenge of Double-sided Submerged Arc Welded Spiral Steel Pipe

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Promoting the Development of High Quality Manufacturing Industry with Chinas Sufficient Toughness to Meet the Challenge of Double-sided Submerged Arc Welded Spiral Steel Pipe

Release date:2019-02-20 Author: Click:

At the Central Economic Work Conference, "Promoting the High-quality Development of Manufacturing Industry" is the first priority task to be done this year. It reflects the Party Central Committee's great attention to the development of manufacturing industry. It is also an urgent need for China's high-quality economic development and the enhancement of international competitiveness. China is the second largest economy in the world. It has a huge domestic market, a complete industrial system, constantly improving innovation capability, convenient infrastructure and a good business environment, and is resilient enough to meet the challenges. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will conscientiously implement the plan of the Central Economic Work Conference, unswervingly build a strong manufacturing country and accelerate the development of manufacturing industry with high quality.

The first is to establish and improve the policy system, index system and evaluation system for the high-quality development of manufacturing industry.

The second is to strengthen the construction of innovation capability and continue to implement the construction project of national manufacturing innovation center. Break the "valley of death" from basic research, applied research to industrialization, promote the industrialization of scientific research achievements, and strengthen the research of key common technologies.

Thirdly, deepen the structural adjustment of manufacturing industry, implement a new round of major technological transformation and upgrading projects, and guide the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We will promote the development of new industries such as artificial intelligence and new energy vehicles. Intelligent manufacturing engineering will be implemented in depth, and a number of advanced manufacturing clusters will be fostered and developed.

Fourthly, we should optimize the development environment of manufacturing industry, further relax market access, reduce institutional transaction costs, and promote the coordinated development of science and technology, finance, talent and manufacturing industry. We will further reduce the value-added tax rate for manufacturing industries and continue to reduce the cost of electricity and water for manufacturing industries.

Fifthly, we should further expand opening up, fully implement the management system of national treatment plus negative list before admission, and implement the open policy of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel pipe, ship and aircraft industries.

Private enterprises account for 90% of the total number of enterprises, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises. The central government has eaten the "reassurance pill" for the development of private enterprises. How can the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology precisely deliver this "reassurance pill"? Miao Wei pointed out that small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises are the main bodies of each other, which is an important achievement of the development of our socialist market economy, and also a fresh force to promote high-quality development.

As the Department responsible for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises under the State Council, we resolutely implement the deployment and requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and work with relevant departments to focus on four aspects: first, further optimize the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's six policy measures to support the development and growth of private enterprises, we should focus on the implementation of the SME Promotion Law and promote the formulation of guidance to promote the healthy development of SMEs.

The second is to further enhance the professional ability and level of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will foster "specialist, innovative" and "small giant" enterprises, continue to implement the intellectual property strategy promotion project and information technology promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises, and implement a three-year plan of action to promote the integration and development of large and medium-sized enterprises.

Third, to further improve the service effectiveness of SMEs. We will promote the construction of an Internet publishing platform for policy information of small and medium-sized enterprises. Give full play to the role of the national public service demonstration platform for small and medium-sized enterprises, and continue to implement the project of improving the quality of business management personnel.

Fourth, further promote the alleviation of financing difficulties and high cost of SMEs. We will promote the improvement of pledge financing mechanisms such as accounts receivable, double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel tubes, and industrial integration as pilot projects, give full play to the role of the national financing guarantee fund, implement the policy of reducing fees, rewarding and subsidizing the financing guarantee business of small and micro enterprises, promote the establishment of risk-sharing mechanisms among government, banks and enterprises, and further play the leading role of the development fund for small and medium-sized enterprises. Double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe


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