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Liaohe Large Steel-Plastic Pipe Co., Ltd. - Whats the difference between structural seamless steel pipe and fluid seamless steel pipe?

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Liaohe Large Steel-Plastic Pipe Co., Ltd. - Whats the difference between structural seamless steel pipe and fluid seamless steel pipe?

Release date:2017-08-04 Author: Click:

The standard requirements of steel-plastic pipe are different. The eddy current test is necessary for conveying fluid.

1: The scope of application is different. One is structural support, the other is conveying fluid (such as oil and water). 3:GB/T8163-2008 requires higher requirements. It can replace 8162, but not GB/T8162-2008 (seamless steel pipe for structure). Mainly used in general structure and mechanical structure. Its representative materials (grades): carbon steel 20, 45 steel; alloy steel Q345, 20Cr, 40Cr, 20CrMo, 30-35CrMo, 42CrMo, etc. GB/T8163-2008 (Seamless steel pipe for conveying fluid). It is mainly used for conveying fluid pipelines on engineering and large-scale equipment. Represents material (brand) 20, Q345, etc.


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