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Steel-plastic pipe steel wire skeleton

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Steel-plastic pipe steel wire skeleton

Release date:2017-01-22 Author: Click:

Executive standard

CJ/T120-2008 Standard

GB/T5135.20-2010 Standard

CJ/T136-2007 Standard

Health Standard GB/T 17219-1998

Steel skeleton

It is developed on the basis of steel-plastic pipe with mesh. Since the perforated steel strip has lost its performance of high pressure resistance and oxygen resistance, it only partially acts as pressure-bearing.

So why do we need such a difficult process as steel strip forming and butt welding? We can simply wrap braided steel wires on the pipe wall directly, which can also play a role of bearing pressure. Therefore, steel-plastic pipe with steel wire skeleton appears. The performance of this kind of pipe is basically similar to that of steel-plastic pipe with mesh.

The steel strip in the middle is punched with many holes, which makes the inner and outer PE organic integration, thus solving the composite problem of steel and plastics, but

The oxygen resistance of steel-plastic pipe is sacrificed. Moreover, the compressive strength of this type of steel-plastic pipe is greatly reduced due to the existence of holes in the steel belt. Under high-pressure working conditions, local bursting of the pipe is prone to occur.

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