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The Difference of Various Steel-Plastic Composite Pipes

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The Difference of Various Steel-Plastic Composite Pipes

Release date:2017-06-01 Author: Click:

The Difference of Various Steel-Plastic Composite Pipes

Performance differences of epoxy-coated steel-plastic composite pipes and PE pipes, plastic-lined pipes and ductile iron pipes

Steel-plastic composite pipe is a general term for plastic-coated steel pipe and plastic-lined steel pipe. Steel-plastic composite pipe can be divided into plastic-coated pipe and plastic-lined pipe.

Steel-plastic composite pipes generally refer to plastic materials outside, steel in the inside of the pipe profiles, mainly focusing on the appearance requirements or environmental requirements (such as static electricity) relatively high occasions, but also for its own strength has a certain requirement.

Plastic-lined galvanized steel pipe generally refers to the steel outside, plastic material in the inside of the pipe profiles, mainly focused on the strength requirements are relatively high, there are internal load-bearing occasions (such as high-strength water pipe). Steel-plastic pipe


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