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Steel-plastic pipe manufacturer tells you the advantages of cement pipe

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Steel-plastic pipe manufacturer tells you the advantages of cement pipe

Release date:2017-05-20 Author: Click:

 Steel-plastic pipe manufacturer tells you the advantages of cement pipe

(1) Good hydraulic conditions

Only when the inner wall of water supply pipeline is not scaled, smooth and smooth, can the head loss be reduced and the service head be ensured.

(2) Equipment control system

In a big city, the total length of the water supply network is hundreds of kilometers and thousands of kilometers. In such a large water supply network, there are thousands of special equipment to maintain the good operation of the network.

The special equipment on the pipeline network includes valves, fire hydrants, ventilation valves, vent valves, flushing and draining valves, pressure reducing valves, flow regulating valves, water hammer eliminators, manhole maintenance, telescopes, slag storage hoppers, flow measuring and pressure measuring holes, etc. The intact of these equipments is the premise to ensure smooth operation of the pipeline network, safe water supply and avoid pollution.

(3) Construction Investment Province


The construction cost of water supply network usually accounts for 50%-70% of the construction cost of water supply system. Therefore, how to determine the construction scale of water supply network through technical and economic analysis and how to select pipe materials and equipment appropriately are the ways of rational operation of water supply network.

(4) High sealing performance

Water supply network is a pressure-bearing network, and only good closure of the pipeline is the basic guarantee of continuous water supply.

(5) Good quality of transported water

It often takes hours or even days for the water supply to go through a long pipeline from the waterworks to the users. Pipeline network is actually a large reactor. Unfinished chemical reactions of effluent will continue in the pipeline network. New contacts between chlorinated water and pipe wall will result in new reactions. These reactions are biological, sensory and physicochemical. Therefore, it is required that the inner wall of the pipeline not only be corrosion resistant, but also not release harmful substances into the water.


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