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Acceptance of Steel-Plastic Pipe

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Acceptance of Steel-Plastic Pipe

Release date:2017-05-05 Author: Click:

   Acceptance of Steel-Plastic Pipe

1. The following documents shall be available for acceptance:

1. Construction drawings, completion drawings and design change documents;

2. Material Exit Certificate and Quality Assurance Certificate;

3. Intermediate test records and covert engineering acceptance records;

4. Hydraulic test record and flushing test record;

5. Records of engineering quality accidents;

6. Quality inspection records of sub-projects, sub-divisions and units.

2. The following items shall be inspected in the acceptance of the project:

1. Whether the markings of pipes and fittings are consistent with their uses, pipes and fittings used in cold water pipes shall not be used in hot water pipes;

2. Whether special transitional fittings are used for connecting pipes with valves and water supply hydrants;

3. Whether or not special rubber sealing rings are used for groove connection;

4. Whether the number of exposed teeth in the pipe segment at the threaded joint is excessive or not;

5. Whether the outer wall of the pipeline in the immersed part of the water tank (pool) is coated, whether the supporting parts are firm and anti-corrosion, and the waterproof and firmness of the pipeline passing through the pool wall (bottom);

6. Check the position, diameter, elevation, gradient, verticality, support position and firmness.

Anti-corrosion treatment of buried pipeline.

3. The experimental pressure of steel-plastic composite pipe water supply system should be the same as that of common steel pipe water supply system.

4. The pressure test procedure of steel-plastic composite pipe system is consistent with that of common steel pipe system. When steel-plastic composite pipes and plastic pipes are tested in the same system, they should be carried out according to the relevant standards of plastic pipes.

5. After the pipeline pressure test is qualified, the water stored in the pipeline system should be emptied and the pipeline should be cleaned. The pipeline for transporting drinking water should also be disinfected. The quality of disinfected pipeline water should meet the requirement of the current national standard "Standard for Drinking Water" GB5749.

6. The steel-plastic composite pipeline project for building water supply shall be subjected, subdivided and unit acceptance, intermediate acceptance and self-inspection by the construction unit before completion acceptance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. Records should be made, documents signed and files filed during acceptance.

Steel-plastic pipe



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