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One Multiple Spiral Steel Pipe with 15m Double-sided Submerged Arc Welding

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One Multiple Spiral Steel Pipe with 15m Double-sided Submerged Arc Welding

Release date:2017-01-18 Author: Click:

One Multiple Spiral Steel Pipe with 15m Double-sided Submerged Arc Welding

Static piling machine should also be used for pulling out temporary steel sheet piles. It is most suitable in sub-clay clay or fine-grained soil. Usually it has low pressure to high pressure water spraying equipment. Water jetting is very useful for the loosening of fine-grained soil and can also lubricate dry soil, making it easier to press piles. For hard or dense non-cohesive soil or gravel soil, pre-drilling is usually needed to loosen the soil layer. Pre-drilling of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral pipe can also detect and remove obstacles before piling. Shallow barriers can be removed by digging trenches and then backfilled with suitable materials or used to control overflow and uplift in case of water injection.

Japanese static pile driver is not suitable for driving piles by other means, unless steel sheet piles are assembled into screens at the beginning, it is not suitable for screen pile driving.

Static pressure method and high frequency vibration method are combined. ICI dynamic propulsion equipment is a newly developed equipment, which combines static pressure screen piling method and retractable guide frame (Figure 10.10). This equipment can set AZAUPU and PUR type piles, but sheet piles must not be overpressed. The combination of high frequency vibration method and the pushing force of pile driver provides enough reaction force for pile driving. The vibration and noise produced by this method are very small before heavy static pressure is adopted.

This kind of equipment is suitable not only for single pile driving, but also for screen piston or oil or oil cylinder, which can be arranged into many pairs of units, transferring thrust or tension to pile body to press pile, especially for pile driving or pulling covered with sand or gravel. This kind of equipment is also suitable for the condition that other piling methods have not been used before.

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