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Weight per meter of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel pipe pile

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Weight per meter of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel pipe pile

Release date:2017-01-18 Author: Click:

Weight per meter of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel pipe pile

The performance of steel sheet pile in different soils and different types of soils depends mainly on the pile driving system adopted. Here is a brief description of each pile driving system.

1) In soft soil without big stones or obstacles, such as silt, loose sediment, medium and coarse sand and gravel, double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe impact pile driving can easily drive the pile into. Piling is difficult in compact fine sand, medium to dense coarse gravel, hard to hard clay (depending on the thickness of hard soil) and soft to medium soft rock formations.

2) Vibration piling is suitable for circular gravel soil and soft soil. If the soil is loose, it is easy to pile. If the SPT number is more than 50 or the clay layer is very thick, piling will be more difficult. Dense angular particles E or hard clay are not suitable for this method.

3) Dry soil has greater pile driving resistance than wet, underwater or fully saturated soil. If the granular soil vibrates for a long time, the penetration resistance will increase sharply and the pile will not be able to drive. Therefore, high-pressure water jet can also be used in the soil layer which is difficult to pile before drilling holes or loosening soil. If it is necessary to penetrate into rock strata, it is necessary to adopt pre-blasting or other special pile driving equipment.

Hydraulic piling method is most suitable for clay, fine soil, soft soil and loose soil. Hydraulic type uses jet head to loosen silt or sand in cohesionless soil, which is convenient for pile pressing. Whether sheet piles can be successfully driven depends on the cohesion of soil to sheet piles.

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