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Excellent Performance of Double-sided Submerged Arc Welded Rotary Steel Pipe

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Excellent Performance of Double-sided Submerged Arc Welded Rotary Steel Pipe

Release date:2017-05-08 Author: Click:

Excellent Performance of Double-sided Submerged Arc Welded Rotary Steel Pipe

Submerged arc welded steel pipe and its standard classification: Spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe (SY5036-83) for pressure fluid transportation is mainly used for oil and natural gas pipelines; Spiral seam high frequency welded steel pipe (SY5038-83) for pressure fluid transportation is welded by high frequency lap welding method, and spiral seam high frequency welded steel pipe for pressure fluid transportation. Steel pipe has strong pressure bearing capacity, good plasticity, and is easy to weld and process. Generally, spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe (SY5037-83) for low pressure fluid transportation is made by double-sided automatic submerged arc welding or single-sided welding, which is used for water, gas, air and steam transportation.

Insulation and anticorrosion double-sided submerged arc welded pipe refers to the thermal insulation and anticorrosion measures to ensure the temperature and surface temperature of working double-sided submerged arc welded pipe in different working environments in order to slow down or prevent erosion and modification under the chemical, electrochemical action of external media or metabolic activity of microorganisms.

[1] Double-sided submerged arc welded pipe also has good corrosion resistance and impact resistance at low temperature, and can be directly buried in underground frozen soil.

[2] The service life can reach 30-50 years. Correct installation and use can make the maintenance cost of double-sided submerged arc welded pipe very low.

[3] An alarm system can be set up to automatically detect the leakage fault of double-sided submerged arc welded pipe, accurately indicate the fault location and automatically alarm.

[4] The heat preservation performance is good, and the heat loss is only 25% of the traditional double-sided submerged arc welded pipe. Long-term operation can save a lot of energy and significantly reduce the energy cost.

[5] It has strong waterproof and corrosion resistance. It can be directly buried in underground or water without additional pipe trenches. It is simple and quick to construct and has low comprehensive cost.


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