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Surface treatment of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe

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Surface treatment of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe

Release date:2017-01-18 Author: Click:

Surface treatment of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe

1, cleaning

Solvents and emulsifiers are used to clean the steel surface to remove oil, grease, dust, smoothing agent and similar organic matter, but they can not remove rust, oxide scale, welding flux, etc. on the steel surface, so they are only used as assistant tactics in anticorrosive production.

2. Tool Rust Removal

Above all, steel brushes and other tools are used to polish the steel surface, which can remove loose or warped oxide scales, rust, welding slag and so on. Hand tools can reach Sa2 level, power tools can reach Sa3 level. If the steel surface is adhered to a solid oxide scale, the results of tool rust removal are not ideal, and the depth of anchor lines required for anti-corrosion construction can not be reached.

3, pickling

Chemical and electrolytic methods are commonly used for pickling treatment. Pipeline corrosion protection only uses chemical pickling, which can remove oxide scales, rust and old coatings. Sometimes it can be used as reprocessing after sandblasting and rust removal. Chemical cleaning can make the appearance of the spiral pipe reach the necessary cleanliness and roughness, but its anchor lines are shallow and easy to pollute the situation.

4. Rust Removal by Spraying (Throwing) Shooting

Rust removal by spraying (throwing) is a process of high-speed torsion of spraying (throwing) blades driven by high-power motors, which enables abrasives such as steel sand, steel shot, wire segment and minerals to spray (throw) on the surface of steel pipes under centrifugal force. It can not only thoroughly remove rust, oxides and dirt, but also achieve the required average roughness under the effect of ferocious impact and friction of abrasives.

After spraying (throwing) rust removal, not only physical adsorption effect on the tube surface can be expanded, but also mechanical adhesion effect between the anti-corrosion coating and the tube surface can be strengthened. Therefore, spraying (ejecting) rust removal is an ideal rust removal method for pipeline corrosion protection. Generally speaking, shot peening (sand) rust removal is mainly used for pipe surface disposal, while shot peening (sand) rust removal is mainly used for pipe surface disposal.

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