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How to distinguish No.5 pile from No.6 pile of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe Larsen steel sheet pile

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How to distinguish No.5 pile from No.6 pile of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe Larsen steel sheet pile

Release date:2017-01-18 Author: Click:

How to distinguish No.5 pile from No.6 pile of double-sided submerged arc welding spiral steel pipe Larsen steel sheet pile

The driving performance of steel sheet piles is related to the following factors: section characteristics, stiffness, length, steel grade, quality, preparation and pile driving methods. In order to ensure the performance of piling, the errors of piling must be controlled within the allowable range.

Considering the surrounding environment and the soil condition in the range of pile length, according to the selected pile driving method, it is necessary to select enough steel sheet pile: section. The selected pile section must be able to meet the structural requirements, but also to ensure that it can penetrate different soil layers to achieve the required penetration depth.

The driving force required to drive steel sheet piles to design elevation is affected by soil properties and pile side resistance. The driving resistance of double-sided submerged arc welded spiral steel pipe piles consists of friction force between pile surface and soil and resistance at pile end = normally, the larger the surface area or cross-section area of piles, the greater the three driving forces required, but for Au piles, the change of geometrical size at the corner decreases. The squeezing of soil also reduces the pile driving resistance = the friction force of the lock and the physical properties of the soil at the bottom of the lock also affect the pile driving force. If the end of the pile encounters obstacles that cannot be moved, the pile will not be able to drive.

The bearing capacity of large section piles is higher than that of small load surface piles. Large cross-section piles may improve the driving performance of sheet piles under certain conditions of main piles. Therefore, the pile driving resistance of the first floor should be evaluated in advance to select the appropriate section.

No matter how much driving force is used, all the energy generated by the hammer must be overcome when the pile is moving. For example, the pile body cannot be destroyed during driving. When the pile is absorbed downward. In this case, if the sheet pile stops penetrating, the energy of the pile hammer will increase. If the stress exceeds the stress of the pile body, the deformation of the pile body will occur, usually at the pile head and the pile bottom. Often, the decrease of the two parts will increase simultaneously. If the driving force is applied improperly and the driving stress on the pile section will increase with the impact. This will also happen if the efficiency of hammer driving is not uniform. It may also be that the pile head is damaged because the pile hammer is too light, which sounds unreasonable, but if the pile hammer is too light, it will not generate enough power to overcome the resistance to drive the pile into.

Steel grade steel strength grade has certain limitations on the pile driving performance. With the increase of steel grade, the pile driving stress that steel sheet pile can withstand will also increase. Therefore, the ability of high-strength piles with the same cross-section to resist the deformation of pile head or pile bottom is greater than that of low-strength piles with the same cross-section.

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